Thursday, February 7, 2008


Sleep, and some wacarnolds or something please. Philly to Chicago, Chicago shut down. Diverted to Louisville. Louisville to Bmore to Houston then Austin the next morning? Nope, Louisville to Bmore, Houston plane leaves. Microtel = -$80. Bmore to Austin in the morning and I'm finally home. Kind of wishing Kierstan was here. Or everyone I know from philly/de. Paperwork and calls to schools for transcripts. Recruiter tomorrow. And packing and moving out until the 13th. Busy busy busy. Time to buy another Xbox game. Bioshock? I'm rambling. I'll leave you with this (if you don't know what 2girls1cup is, just leave it at that. don't try to search it).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kind of wish I was there too, I miss you, and its first thursday!