Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The End Is Nigh

Texas governor Rick Perry has appointed a creationist to head the Texas State Board of Education

"Texas Freedom Network president Kathy Miller … noted that in 2003, Dr. McLeroy was one of four board members who voted against proposed high school biology textbooks because he felt their coverage of evolution was “too dogmatic” and did not include possible flaws in Charles Darwin’s theory of how life on Earth evolved from lower forms."

"It is wrong to teach opinion as fact," he said.

Because I don't care to put it nicely, how does belief differ from opinion?

It is also unconstitutional to teach religion as science, so I'm not sure what he's expecting to accomplish. This country has always had God woven into its blood. The puritans came here seeking a life where they could practice their beliefs without persecution.

It's on our money, "In God We Trust". It's in our pledge, "One nation under God" and it's everywhere you look in government buildings. Gazing downwards from on top of our Capital Building which houses the Supreme Court is a statue of Moses holding the 10 commandments. Bible verses can be seen on buildings and monuments throughout Washington D.C. You can't build a country on nothing, our forefathers understood this. But they also understood the right of every individual to have their own beliefs.

"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God" -James Madison

"It can not be emphesised too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians... not on religion but
on the Gospel of Jesus Christ" -Patrick Henry

A model to live by, that is all.

Texas:Doomed Article

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